Bodybuilder's Journey

Hawken Lewis, a physique and bodybuilding competitor, arrives to get the last tan needed for his bodybuilding competition in Wheeling, W.Va. His face is un-even and needs to get another coat so it does not look different from the rest of his body. “This show will be my eighth show and looking forward to it,” said Lewis.
Hawken gets his tan applied by his mother Leslie Lewis. He has to strip almost completely nude to do this. Unlike most athletes, Leslie does most of his tanning but has to wear a mask due to the cloud and fumes. “I didn't realize how much it cost for all the bodybuilding sport, with food and everything else and when someone asked if I wanted their salon tanner I said yes. Then I just at first tanned him in his Speedo swim trunks and to me it was like doing an art exhibit. Everything had to be perfectly sprayed. I am very articulate, and with being a very close family, I wanted him to be the very best. My boys and grandchildren are my world, so being a stay at home mom, I was the one that answered all their awkward questions,” said Mrs. Lewis.
Hawken has to dry his tan which can take up to an hour under the ceiling fan at his parents’ house in Coshocton, Ohio.
A final run to the store, Hawken must stock up on oats, peanut butter, eggs, and other necessities for his show. He reads labels to make sure that what he is getting is what his body needs to show his best conditioning.
Hawkin’s girlfriend Lacey Berry kisses him goodbye before she goes to work at her health care job. Lacey, also a competitor, has to get up extremely earlier to get to the gym before she has to go to work.
Hawken works out at the Kids America Athletic Complex gym at least five days a week. “This is my sanctuary,” said Lewis. “I know my better self comes out at the gym.”
Hawken adjusts his earbuds as he tries to stay in the “zone” during his early morning workout at the gym he normally does his training.
After finishing his last major workout, Hawken rests before he practices his routine in another room as to not be disturbed by other gym members.
Hawken practices his routine after his workout to see if there are any changes he needs to make to his performance that would compliment his body.
Hawkin eats at least six eggs for breakfast every morning. “It used to be 12,” said Lewis. “Protein in eggs is very important for muscle growth.”
NPC judge, coach, and competitor Tomara Watkins helps Hawkin with his posing for the bodybuilding competition the next day. Tomara has been in the business for over 20 years. ”Hawkin has a lot of potential and he just needs to figure out the poses that accentuate his body the most,” said Watkins.
Hawken looks for his posing trunks as he packs up for his competition on Saturday in Wheeling, W.Va. He wears the same outfits for several days due to the tan and not wanting to stain too many clothes.
Hawken pinches his stomach to gauge how much loose skin he has and if there are any last-minute changes with his diet even though his competition is so close.
Before each show Hawken works on a Rubik’s cube. “It helps to calm my nerves and really makes me think,” said Lewis.
Hawken Lewis and his girlfriend Lacey Berry goof around by trying to wear the same pants after an intense morning argument the couple had. “The extreme dieting we go through can cause short tempers and make situations that would normally be no big deal become very intense,” said Lewis.
Hawkin is sent to the back while other athletes are called to the front. This means that he did not make the final five and would not be getting an award for the night.
Even though he did not place in the top five, placing 14 out of 15, Hawken ends the night with a bang and gives the audience an entertaining posing routine hitting his side chest pose. “This just makes me want to work harder and how to improve to do better,” said Lewis. “I will be back.”
Hawken showers to remove the remaining fake tan left on after his bodybuilding competition in Wheeling, W.Va. The tan can take several days to weeks to completely disappear.