Chillicothe Football Behind the Scenes

While it rained most of practice week before the Cavaliers would play against Bishop Hartley on September 15, 2017, they still trained hard to give it their best as not only players but as members of a football family.
Not being able to practice due to injuries, AJ Corbin, right, and Jamichael Beard, left, work on getting their bodies back into game conditioning.
Zach Coats, along with the rest of his teammates, keep their spirits up and encourage each other even though rain plagued the team’s practice for most of the week.
Coach Ron Hinton talks to Simon Roderick about leadership and his role as a senior member of the football team and encourages him to go out there and do what he knows he is capable of. The coach wants all his athletes to be the best that they know they can be. “I am a firm believer that we are as good as the seniors are. It is not just talent, but leadership that will lead the talent on and off the field,” said Hinton. “Groups like this (are) what makes us very successful.”
Trevor Lee tries to get the water out of his socks after a rainy practice as Ashton Bryans watches.
Wide receiver Cade Williams gets a drink during the last difficult practice of the week. Even though the rain was almost non-stop, Williams and the rest of his teammates practiced just as hard knowing they would be facing one of their most difficult opponents.
Senior Will Roderick gives freshman Trevor Lee a ride to the football field from Chillicothe Middle School after the team had their weekly team dinner before the game.
Christian Benson eats and watches a movie on his phone before Friday night’s game against Bishop Hartley. To keep the athletes safe, Coach Hinton has them come to the fieldhouse right after school to just relax, watch movies and get their mind in the game without having to worry about them not showing up on time for a game or something happening to the athletes.
Assistant Coach Austin Drewyor helps Will Roderick put on his pads before the game against Bishop Hartley. “Stepping onto the field in between those lines puts me in a vicinity where I can let go of all the stress I have in the world, and play a game I love. Knowing I can do so with my family is all I ask for,” said Roderick.
After a week of continuous rain, the Cavaliers come out ready to play against Bishop Hartley.