Life's a Crew

The Marietta College men’s rowing team do their usual cheer in the Marietta, Ohio boathouse, which is usually done after each practice and game. “It is a great team builder,” said Matthew Bush, a junior from Williamstown, W.Va.
The Marietta College rowing team hosted the Muskie Chase. The junior varsity shell (bottom to top) coxswain Cameron Dowiak, Jon Hinson, Juan Garciano, Chris Japchen, Evan Odom, Luis Pereda, Zach Pop, Nick Cuaresma, and Pat Clary come from under the Marietta, Ohio Washington Street Bridge. For the 6,000 meter run from the House of Wines to the Lindamood Boathouse, the junior varsity team would place fourth with a time of 21:37.
The Marietta College junior varsity rowers align the oars up on the boat dock before they bring in the boat after practice on the Ohio River in Marietta, Ohio.
The team practices inside instead of on the water in Marietta, Ohio. The team cheers on Nate Gregory to finish strong. (left to right) Paxton Kocka, Evan Odom, Pat Clary, Martin Hall, Nate Gregory, Angelo Wise, Jon Hinson, and Martin Hall.
Coach Phillip Schmehl on October 16, 2015, gives practice instructions to the men’s rowing team in Marietta, Ohio. “Wednesday’s are normally our hardest training days on the river,” according to Schmehl.
Junior Pat Clary on Friday, October 16, 2015, has fun cleaning the boat to get ready for the next day’s race in Marietta, Ohio.
Sam Johnson helps to bring out the boat for it to be cleaned before a race the next day in Marietta, Ohio.
After a tough Wednesday practice, the Marietta rowing team heads back to the boathouse docks just as the sun sets on the Ohio River in Marietta, Ohio.
Patrick Specht practices with the Marietta College varsity 4+ team. “The coxswain plays the role of coach during a race,” said Specht. “We guide, encourage, and do what needs to be done to get the other athletes in focus for a race.”
Marietta College’s varsity 4+ crew (left to right) Ethan Schafhausen, Matthew Bush, Jack Gleim, Chris Metz, and Patrick Specht, pass under the Williamstown Bridge on the Ohio River outside of Marietta, Ohio. “Not only is rowing a team sports, but mentally it is an individual sport, “said Bush. “Good or bad I always try and stay positive.”
Nate Gregory is nominated the unofficial towel boy as they get ready to honor Coach Rodger Mendenhall with his own namesake boat for Marietta College’s 2015-homecoming weekend. (left to right) Pat Clary, Chrissy Billingsley, Nick Cuaresma, Angelo Wise, Evan Odom, Sam Johnson, and Nate Gregory.
Junior Pat Clary stretches with another rower at the front of the boat house before the 2015 Muskie Chase in Marietta, Ohio.
Freshman Hill Awmiller (right) rubs Freshman Angelo Leitner-Wise’s (left) leg to relax and get ready for the Braxton Memorial Regatta in West Windsor, N.J. Hill and Wise both identify as straight with girlfriends, but are very affectionate with one another and describe their friendship as a special type of “bromance.” “I met Angelo first thing and we had instant chemistry,” said Hill. “We became fast friends and have a really strong bond. Our girlfriends even have the similar names.”
The Varsity 4+ crew do timed practices on the Ohio River as Coach Schmehl waits for them to finish.
The Marietta College men’s rowing team after a practice that lasted until sunset together put their shells up at the end in Marietta, Ohio.