A Father's Perspective

On one of his last trips to the house he had to sell, Conrad looks outside the window and sees the school that he used to live near with his ex-wife and son.
Conrad Gillespie wipes sweat from his head after cleaning out his house. Due to a new custody deal where Conrad pays extensive child support and only gets to see his son every other week, Conrad decided to downsize to a one-room apartment so he can save as much money as possible.
Conrad takes apart Beau’s old bed to give to a friend of his since it will not fit in the new apartment.
Conrad carefully folds Beau’s clothes before Beau visits him for the weekend.
A typical night with Conrad and Beau involve Conrad doing homework and Beau playing video games.
Since there are no real beds in the one-room apartment, Conrad and his son Beau sleep on couches in the living room. Conrad has ordered a bed for him and his son to sleep in, but it has not been delivered.
Conrad Gillespie combs his son’s hair after his morning bath before they go out shopping for food. The hurried move had not given Conrad the time to stock up on food and other essentials.
Kevin Waller fixes macaroni and cheese for dinner for his two sons Isaac and Sam. He picks them up every other week from school to stay with him.
Kevin Waller, Communications Director at Holzer Health System, plays UNO with his boys Isaac and Sam before they settle in for the night. Kevin has joint custody with his ex-wife and has the boys every other week.
Kyle, separated from his wife, calls to find out where and when he can pick up his children before his son’s baseball practice.
Kyle Stover plays catch with his daughter Maggie as his son Gabe practices with his little league team outside of Gallipolis, Ohio. Baseball is a big family sport with Gabe practicing every Friday and Maggie every Saturday.
Kyle Stover prays with his children before they eat at Hardees in Bidwell, Ohio. Faith is very important to Stover and trying to instill in his children the best values he can.